Tarlogic Security joins the Ciber.gal node as one of the collaborating companies

Administrations, specialized organizations and companies are part of a node that promotes and develops skills in the field of cybersecurity. Ciber.gal works in fields such as innovation or the promotion and recruitment of talent
Tarlogic Security has just joined Ciber.gal. The node driven in Galicia by public administrations and different private agents to promote and develop competences in the field of cybersecurity.
The objectives of this cooperation entity driven by Amtega (Axencia para a Modernización Tecnolóxica de Galicia) and in collaboration with other companies, institutions and organizations (as Incibe) are considered ambitious.
On the one hand, to address the threats and challenges in cybersecurity triggered by digitization. On the other, to take advantage of the opportunities presented by this same digital era within this sector.
Tarlogic Security received a few days ago the confirmation from the Galician Cybersecurity Node of its membership in Ciber.gal. It thus joins a panel composed of some of the major references in the world of cybersecurity in Spain.
Ciber.gal has proposed from its origins to provide cybersecurity services to different agents of the community, from citizens to administrations and, of course, to companies.
At the same time, the node is actively working on two strategic lines that are of great importance for companies such as Tarlogic Security: innovation and talent retention.
Regarding the first one, several programs have been launched with significant financial allocations. The aim is to promote innovation in areas considered strategic: digital identity and privacy, applied cryptography, security in distributed systems and development of secure information systems.
Educational and labor market in Galicia
In relation to talent, Ciber.gal is called to play a key role in connecting the needs of companies with the reality of the educational and labor market in Galicia.
Thus, for example, it supports the various university master’s degrees that are being taught at Galician universities in the cybersecurity area. And it promotes vocational training degrees that could cover some of the current needs of the market.
In short, actions that propose possible solutions to what is, at present, one of the major shortcomings of the cybersecurity sector: attracting and retaining talent.
Beyond these priorities, Ciber.gal also works in the field of communication and networking, promoting the participation of the sector in relevant national and international forums and meetings in the area of cybersecurity.
The work of this knowledge and cooperation node will also be of enormous value in supporting Amtega in the elaboration of the ICT Security Master Plan 2022-2027.
Currently being drafted, this document will include the lines of work and resources needed in the area of information security for the next five years.
Tarlogic‘s presence in the Galician Cybersecurity Node, Ciber.gal, is a confirmation of the company’s commitment to information security in the face of the increasing number of threats that public administrations, companies and Galician citizens must face in this new digital era.
Discover our work and cybersecurity services at www.tarlogic.com
In TarlogicTeo and TarlogicMadrid.